Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Peace vs Certainty A semantic look

Semantics: The Art of Meaning Underneath Our Words

I have always been fascinated with the meaning of a person's words. The fact that what they say, and what they intend to mean often have differences, leading to telling insights.

One thing I enjoy about the ability to talk and converse with people is the sense of who they are when they are talking. You can see a lot about how they look at things in regards to what their tone, first words or word choice are. One of my favorites is to listen and think on the first word that comes after a reflective pause, as that can be a masked word, or a true and deep word.

What I mean is that a masked word is chosen carefully to allow a window in but does not tell the whole story, omitting importance or feeling behind it. Where a true and deep word can ring sincere and impactful, dripping with meaning that is hoped to be picked up.

So that is what I enjoy by listening to semantics. While thinking on how I enjoy this little aspect of communication I got to thinking about some ways we as the world, and as Christians like to talk and what we can really long for, or want to strive for versus what we feel and say we want. I think it is important to know the depth of what we want to go after. Not just to pay lip service to the ideas we have always heard but to think on these words and how with a subtle shift, we are led back to the One who completes all.

I think a big one that we (emerging adults as I was told we are) in the 20-30 range spend a lot of time thinking about what, if and how we can figure out if we are following God's will. A lot of times this comes with an unsettling feeling and a lot of questioning. What we often end up saying is that I want to have peace about what I am doing or where I am headed.

Ready? Here is the first example of a masked word. It is a trigger word we are supposed to say. Makes sense though right? It is a good thing to want peace isn't it? The problem is we use it in the wrong context. What we really are longing for and expecting is an overriding FEELING of certainty. Something that jumps out at us in our experience that says yup your right on. Hmm wonder how many times we get that feeling in any aspect of our lives? Let alone an abstract and overarching situation in which we are very subjective and quick to label one way or another.

Here is where my momma gave me one of the most fantastic comments ever to think on and wrestle with. “Everyone says they are searching for peace. But what they really are wanting is certainty. The problem is that we live in an uncertain world.” Alright, think on that for a bit. Dig deep and think of a time where you were sure of something. That is the feeling you want to experience again isn't it! Its a great feeling! But looking for that feeling again is hard, because we live in a world where it is rare.

Why is it rare, because we cannot control anything in this world! It is uncertain. Any semblance of control we have is fleeting and changes with the situations we encounter. It's why the recession is playing with so many peoples minds, and faith. Because what we thought was under our control was in all reality far out of our control. Scary thought, but when you think about it, its true. Can you control what the next interaction you will have and how it will happen exactly? Maybe once or twice but beyond that are circumstances beyond our control.

Alright, now that I have thoroughly brought you through the aspects of what we far to often use as a masked word, lets get back to the reality of the word Peace. Let us see what we can unlock from the simple word we know all that well and see if it can shift us back towards the one who has all the Power and authority. The one in who we long to be in tune with in the first place.

Peace-absence of mental anxiety, or a state of stillness silence or serenity. That is according to dictionary type of peace. Looking into a little more Biblical definitions you can see a bit of difference. Peace – (eirhnh) a state of untroubled tranquility, or a state of harmony and well being. And a little deeper in Pauline thought of peace of fellowship -”This is the personal peace which God gives to the individual through fellowship with the Lord, or through walking in concord with God with all known sin confessed and turned over to God’s grace” (, Keathley).

Alright so peace in these definitions and my thought is a place absent of worry (untroubled tranquility) and a place where we are totally reliant on the Lord, trusting for his provision because we are walking with him.

That is definitely a different thought process and longing than just wanting to feel like things are under control. Peace is a position where we get which says WHATEVER happens and however I feel I will trust, and be fine with my surroundings because I know that God is with me and has taken care of things in advance!

It reminds me of James 4 where we are called to be at peace with our situation and allow God to work. 13-now listen you who say today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city spend a year there carry on business and make money. Why you do not even know what will happen tomorrow! 15-Instead you ought to say, If it is the Lord's will we will live and do this or that. James is remarking on how we need to stay Christ focuses and see things as part of His plan and trust, be at peace with the situation you are in now as you eagerly look forward to what GOD will do in your life. Not necessarily what you will do next in your life.

We rest in the fact that this peace, not certainty is a different sort, a better sort, a more complete aspect that we should long for and focus on. John 14:27- Peace I leave with you; MY peace I give you. I do not give to you as the word gives . Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid!

So when you think about what is next in your life, the ups and downs of life and the struggle to follow after God in this relationship, think about the bigger picture of what God longs for you. Not striving for a fleeting contentment but a deeper and more incredible sort. Jesus' peace, one that is not of the world!

When we focus on this, everything falls into place and we are, wait for it! Shockingly at peace! When we step back and rely on him (which is dang hard) we find things come and go and our rock stands amidst an uncertain world. Our foundation holds while the world looking for certainty and the next good thing and feeling end up being washed away under foundations of sand.

So there is my semantic thoughts for just this topic. Peace vs certainty. Which one ends up sounding better to you?

Draw near, hold onto HIM and he will draw near to you, and his promises remain the same throughout all time.

Friday, March 12, 2010

My journey to be Stupid for the Lord's sake

There are times when the battle is all to well laid out in front of you. You can sense it, feel it and just live it. Your heart longs, yearns and calls out for one thing, and the world, sometimes logic and busyness fight back to call your attention away. How often are you stoked after a good worship session, a great time in the word, or with friends only to be attacked, become inevitably busy, and have your mind completely taken off what you just wanted so much so to hold on to.

I am annoyed at the more common occurrence of this phenomenon. But I will take solace in the fact that it is happening...that my heart is yearning more and more for something true and right. So much so that the enemy looks to attack quickly to make sure my heart is not focused on the light, and on the fight.

The thing is- I WANT TO BE STUPID FOR JESUS CHRIST. I want to continue at a pace and into a journey where the world, my friends and a lot of the people around me have to ask "really?? your just going to go and do what?" and "arent you worried about X, or Y or Z?" and I hope to continue, and my heart longs to be in a position to smile, say you betcha, i cant think of any other way to do this thing!

Its why my heart and body gets pumped when I sing a song about giving it all to HIM, about letting go and trusting fully in surrender the one who has paid it ALL for me. It is why when i first hear a song with lyrics like "May Your love become my every thought. I want to know the sound of Your heart. I want to live for You now." I just get so excited and my heart wells up inside me.

It is why when i actually sit and dwell and think about what the God of the universe did FOR ME, i smile and just cant say much because it is to great and ridiculous. How when i think on HIS love, i know everything else will fall into place.

It is the position i want myself and my heart to be in, but this selfishness and disease in me will fight to draw me away from the goodness that is searching after what my true heart desires. Its is why i need to continue to build up my guard, and people around me to encourage and uplift me when i need it. It is why I look for opportunities and places to increase my necessity to rely on HIM, and the strength of THE MIGHTY ONE rather than my ability to "be good".

It is why I am excited about the possibility of going to a place where i can challenge myself daily, get away from everything and be with him and do his work in front of my face. It is why i long to challenge myself by going overseas for a year. If you dont know about that possibility ask me, I would love to get more stoked about the possibility HE has for me.

This love, and the life he is transforming and person the Father is creating is so great, and crazy. I just want it to continue. Especially if and most likely it means that I get to be Stupid in the eyes of the world to follow the one who has given me more than i ever thought possible.