Thursday, December 16, 2010


Wow. As interesting as it is to try to formulate a comprehensive idea on how being back home in Chicago is compared to being in Northern Ireland within 24 hrs of being home is, I am going to try.

I have traded in the seaside, rolling hills and mountains in my daily view for the concrete suburban skyline. I have traded living in a Manor house on a nature reserve for a basement room, or sharing a bed on the floor with my brother. I have traded 6 days a week of working with youth or playing soccer with Northern Irish for figuring out when and where to meet up with friends and catch up and do life together. I have traded in skyping video chats at 1am with my girlfriend to texts, phone calls, and soon 10 amazing days together.

But none of that really is reality. Nothing of this transition for 5 weeks that will again be done in the reverse, defines me. For me so often I have base truths of who I am and how those impact me lead to a definition of home and purpose in my present situation.

I am Bryan Miller. Bryan is defined by a life lived outloud and purposed for connections, conversations, and challenges. Bryan is loved by the Creator GOD who loves and gives me mercy. Bryan has gifts given that want to be utilized. So Bryan being me, is at home when able to be used for God's glory in my present situation.

That is my thought at the moment. While the exterior and external place has changed, my longing stays the same. I want to hold fast to my base. To the Truth that God loves me, and that he calls me to be bold in that knowledge and make connections, build discussion in conversation and challenge people as well as myself.

I have been humbled by messages from both sides of the Atlantic in the last week as people are excited for me and are looking forward to my return either to Chicago or County Down. God is good and I know that I am who I am because of Him. His grace and gifting allows me to make the relationships I have.

I cannot wait to see what God has in store for this break, the stories I get to relate and the ability to learn more from this step of the journey God has for me. I get to speak and stand for Truth no matter where I am. I can ask tough questions or give answers when asked no matter where I am. I will look for ways to serve and ways to help others, from a friendly smile, opening of a door, or hours of help in any way.

I know that my path is in HIS mighty and loving hands. I cannot wait to share life with you and those around me. He is Good, His love Endures forever. I am humbled by my opportunities and look forward with anticipation to the chapters that are still to be written.

Thanks for being a part of some of the steps I've taken!

"For God so loved the WORLD that he gave his one and only Son to save us while we were yet still sinners."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love it! :+) :+) :+)